
09 Jan

Senior Pets in India at Risk Due to High Pollution

Pollution is a bit of a buzzword nowadays. This is unsurprising, especially when you consider how pollution affects all living beings. 

With all the construction and development within cities, it is no surprise that our skyline is grey instead of blue nowadays. Urbanization is essential to create infrastructure to cater to a growing population; however, the fact is that humans and animals alike are impacted by this urbanization. 

From an animal’s perspective, the risks are endless. Community animals get displaced whenever new roads/flyovers/constructions are planned. The noise levels at a construction site are frightening to animals too. It’s not just displacement either; animals who roam around the remnants of their homes usually live and sleep near such construction sites, inhaling dust, smoke, and other pollutants, running the risk of developing multiple illnesses. 

Don’t think that pets are safe either; while pets are indoors, rarely having to be in such situations, the environment they live in is still far from ideal. The air they breathe is just as polluted, their surroundings are just as noisy, and they still inhale disease-causing particles like smoke and dust when out for a walk. 

As dog owners, it is common to pull your curious dog away from an object on the sidewalk for health reasons. But what does one do when areas like lifts become risks due to chemicals used in cleaning? With the consistent cleaning and upkeep of roads and public spaces, pollution exists both indoors and outdoors. 

As pet parents, we can take certain steps. Cleaning our dogs after walks, using pet-friendly products at home, and using air-purifiers can help mitigate the impact the environment can have on our pets. While there are many things out of our control, there are a few areas like diet and exercise where you can implement a natural lifestyle and mitigate the impact the environment has on your pet. In general, avoid heading outdoors when the air quality plummets, and try to steer clear of areas which are prone to dust and dirt like construction zones.



Carry My Pet

Passionate pet enthusiasts and globetrotters, dedicated to easing furry friends' journeys worldwide. Penning tales of compassion at CarryMyPet, where every relocation is a tail-wagging adventure.

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